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Logo 75 Jahre Akrus

Features and Functions

Electric adjustments

The electric Z, X and Y movements come as a standard with the LSC bed. The movements are controlled by an analog joystick. The joystick is either integrated in the head rest or in a separate joystick box on the left or right side of the bed.

The electric head rest moves up-down by 50 mm.



Head rest adjustments, electric and mechanical

Electric movements

The head rest moves up to 50 mm up- down, controlled by buttons integrated in the head rest body.


Mechanical movements

The head rest offers a mechanical tilt of -20° and +15°. This is a very important safety feature for procedures under a femto second lasers with a fixed laser head. In case of a power failure during a procedure and no auxiliary power supply the patient can be released from under the laser by the – 15° tilt.





To safely operate the LSC, various interlocks are available. During certain “mode” settings of the laser the interlocks will safely disconnect the bed from power supply by a relay. The functionalities of the interlocks incl the firm ware are being customized with each customer according to their specs and safety concept.





Bed top rotation

With the optional rotation of the bed top, various lasers can be combined to one homogeneous laser Suite. The maximum rotation angle referenced to the center line is 35°.

  • 35° left OR right
  • 35° left AND right (ttl 70°) for a suite of a femto and excimerer laser.

Moreover, additional stop positions in between are available for instance for cataract surgery in combination with a laser.

Order no.  630.010010

Set of wheels

To transport the bed to its working position or temporarily move it away, a detachable set of wheels is available.

The wheels are not cleared for the transport of humans.
